The anecdote, not very classic, fully deserved to be told, but it will have been necessary to wait for the chance of a meeting, Sarah and Eugenia, to make it concrete. We had ideas, they had know-how. Strengthened by our common values: anchoring in our territory, local and responsible production, the swallows of Grand-Puy Ducasse project immediately inspired them! Braque's simplified forms, Matisse's cut-out papers summoned, 2 meetings, 3 essays and 4 templates later, two ceramic window swallows came out of Studio Bordelais in two shades. One is close to the bronze hue that illuminates the new clothes of our Grand Vin and the main architectural elements of the Renaissance project, the other wears a dress in Studio Primitive's favorite color: a dark metallic blue, the even moreover which distinguishes so well the swallows of windows from their rustic cousins, of shore or rock !
#grandpuyducasse #renaissancedegrandpuyducasse #revelerlhistoire #remettreenlumierelelieu #batirlavenir #citadin #pantone #dorure #hirondelles #biodiversité #avecvue